Opdracht 16


Schrijf de volgende brief.


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(Het spijt me) you had to wait so long for my letter, but I had to do a lot of homework (voor school).  (Daarom duurde het zo lang) to send you my letter.


I liked (je laatste brief) very much. You asked me to tell more (over de foto).

Well, in the background you see a caravan. We were camping. (De camping was hartstikke leuk). There was a lot to do and there were a lot (mensen van mijn  leeftijd).


(Afgelopen zaterdag) we, that is Irene and me, went to (een disco). We had great (plezier

daar) and so (we waren heel laat thuis). My parents (waren boos op mij), but I (beloofde)

to be home (op tijd) from now on.


(Ik stop nu met schrijven) because I have to (mijn huiswerk maken).


(Schrijf me gauw terug).


